There are rules after receiving this reward:
Thank the person who sent it to you
Tell us 7 things about yourself
Send Reward to 15 bloggers
So, here are 7 things about me
1. I have 3 beautiful boys ages 5 and under
2. I have a serious addiction to scrapbooking supplies (and working at my LSS just feeds it! lol)
3. My husband and I have been living together since before we started going out! (almost 11 years now)
4. I am a hairdresser (now SAHM)
5. I am a total Twilight junkie (but just the books)
6. I would love to travel around the world one day
7. I feel SO BLESSED every single day for the gifts that God has given our family!!
Now, this is going to be hard because there are sooo many great bloggers out there, but here is my fifteen (in no particular order):
Lisa @ Taadaaaaaaaaaa
Liz Chidester @ The Scrappiest
Lynnda @ Arty Scrappy
Eulanda @ Cards Cards and More Cards
Tanya @ Obsessed Crazy Mama
Janet @ Hilltop Creations
Tara @ Creative Accents
Scrappingmom73 @ My Life Upside Down
The girls over at Scrapliftable
Chris @ Chris's Creations
Teila @ Teila's Tidbits
Cheri @ Graphicat Creations
Lisa @ Pictures 2 Pages
Barb @ Crafty Girl
Heidi @ ARTiql8
I also got the Liebster Blog Award from my girl Teila! Thanks lady!

(It's a blog award passed on to your favourite 3-5 blogs, that have less than 100 followers)
As a recipient you must share the love and pay it forward by following these simple rules:
1. Thank the giver on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
3. Copy & paste the blog award on your blog
4. Reveal your 3-5 blog picks.
5. Let them know you chose them by leaving a comment on their blog.
So here are my picks:
Lynnda @ Arty Scrappy
Karen @ I Could be Scrapbooking Instead
Tracy @ A Scrap at a Time
On another note, I won some blog candy at the Studio Calico Blog hop!! I was pretty excited, especially since I won my choice of 2 Mister Huey's spray mist! I've never used it before, so I'm pretty stoked to get my inky little fingers on it!
I'm going to Prince George in the morning for my middle son Caleb's tests, but I'll be back on thursday night, and maybe I'll show you my new layout then!
Have a great night!
CONGRATS Sarah... Thank you so much for the awards... I will try my best to post it on my blog...patience please...hugs...xoxo
Congrats on the awards girlie... I left one for you on my blog, too. Share & share alike LOL
Congrats on the awards and the Studio Calico prize : )
Thank you for my award, very sweet of you.
Have a lovely Easter weekend xxx
Congrats on your awards! And thank you so much for thinking of me!!! You put a smile on my face!!
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