Hello Bloggers! This is going to be a very picture heavy post, so I'm going to keep the rest short! I have been working like a mad woman the last few days on my December Daily album. It's kind of like a way for me to kill two "resolution" birds with one stone. One of my resolutions is to lose weight. A crafty one is to scrap more often, and by getting crafty at night when the kids go to bed, I am not munching mindlessly in front of the tv! So I've managed to get 15 pages of my album done, thank God, because I'm really not into it this year! It's been soooo long since I've done a 12x12 layout and I'm dying to get back to it, but this album is itching at me to get it done, so I still have 11 pages to go, but I'm over half way there! This album is really about getting the pictures to pages and really telling a story of a month in our life, so it's quite simply made and really focuses on journaling, but I know that 15 years from now when I look back at it, I'm not going to care so much as to how many fabulous techniques I did, but I know it's going to be a great memory to have. That's why I do a December Daily album every year. Wow, and here I said I wasn't going to blab much!! oh well, without further adieu...

Well there you have it! Hopefully I'll be back by the end of the weekend with the rest of it!! Have a great weekend and don't forget to get a little crafty!
Love it you really worked at this and it shows Lovely book.. Looking forward to the next installment Take Care
WOW Great job Sara!! What a great idea. I wonder if I can get myself organized enough to do that. What a great treasure!! :)
I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this album!!! I'm getting a bit sick of doing mine, but after having last year's packed away and only looking at it a few months ago, I realize that the end result will be worth it - I'd forgotten all the things we'd done! Anyway, I really love how yours has lots of journaling - if I do it again next year (well, this year, really!) remind me that I want to lay mine out more like yours!!! Hugs, Roxy.
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