Well, today's the day! I've been holding onto this Layout for a while now, because I wasn't allowed to reveal it until today when my interpretation of this sketch was revealed at Creative Scrappers.
They're having a big celebration there in honor of their 125th sketch so there's big prizes for taking part in it!! So if this sketch inspires you and you create a page based on this sketch, go over to Creative Scrappers and add your layout. You never know, you could be the winner!!
So, here's my take on the sketch:
I can't remember what PP I used, I've been a little obsessed with making these paper "flowers" if you will, I like this version though, because they're not really flowery, so they can be used on boy layouts without them looking too girly! lol. I used my silhouette to cut out the circles, bracket and the title, and I used a CTMH stamp for the checklist I painted a border on the picture with paint from Making Memories and I think that's about all the details! Hope you like it!
PS: Don't forget to go to Scrapbooks Etc. and vote for my layout in the Inkadinkadoo contest!!
Tuesday's desk - new nails!
31 minutes ago
Sarah! This is SO COOL,for one the layout and 2 your guest DT spot! That is so awesome!! I love this layout! That title is AWESOME! Great job hun! You rock!
That is sooo awesome!!You must be just peeing yourself!Well deserved girl.
Your layouts just amaze me.Great take on the layout....just too cool!!
Congrats, Sarah! I've been wondering when we'd get to see your guest spot! Your layout turned out great, love the flowers & title, especially!
Hi Sarah.... this layout is simply beautiful... I love the PP and embellishments used.... and that cute photo too...
I did vote a couple of times for you...I hope you'll win...xoxo
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